LIA Security and Investigations, LLC.
License # 11-5511
Always the Right Choice

Private Investigation

Toll Free: (800) 267-8127


Cooperate Services and Warehouse Security

Associate information  We will supply and maintain A call in line and email connection for your employees as well as help you design a program that will encourage them to let us know if there are issues. 
Camera placement and remote review
We will help you design the placement maps and cover of your camera needs. We can also review remotely to help maintain your businesses security and shorten the time of resolution without having to wait for us to get on site.
Interviews – We will conduct on or off site interviews with associates, contractors or vendors as needed when dealing with theft, harassment and any other issue that concerns your business and operations. 
Onsite consulting as needed – Want to have a class about security and any programs that you wish to institute? We will help with content and do the presentation on site for you. 

Service are on an as need basis or monthly agreement

Employment Screening

Basic – Standard quick check used my most employers cover all stated the applicant has lived in over the 10 years. 
Advanced – Search would also include educational search and validation as well as calling last 3 employers for references
Executive – Full investigative background and verified copies of any court records.  Interview of past employers, references and anyone else that you request or that we locate. You also have the option of an employment credit report 



Domestic – Infidelity, child support and custody issues, location checks, at home elder checks and child visitation hand offs. 
Insurance – Claims for any type of insurance 

Subcontracting for other Investigative firms
GPS and computer tracking available 
Locates – Skip Trace

People – Basic locate of a person or persons for acceptable reasons.  
Assets – For lawsuit recovery, divorce and child support issues. Also good for a number of other reasons give us and call and lets discuss your needs.



Pre-Marital – Make sure you know the person that you or your child is about to marry. Do not be taken by those on-line instant checks. Also good if you are moving in with someone. Give us a call and have them really checked out. 
Business – Check out your potential partner or business associate before you get in to deep.
Personal – Check before you rent to someone or check yourself and see what a potential employer would possibly see.


Wellness and Vacation Check

Family checks – Need a family member checked on. We can stop by and check on them for you without them knowing that you sent us. We can do this anywhere in the United States as well as follow up on college students for you.
Vacation Checks –
Leave the kids home or someone in charge of the house? We can spend up to 30 min a trip to check on the status of your home. If you do not have a time in mind all you need to do is call us 1 hour before you think you need the check done. 
Nursing home visits –
We will do a discreet nursing home visit to assess the care that your family member is receiving and do a detailed report of our findings.