Warehouse & Logistic

As Investigators, we use our knowledge and experience to develop solutions for your company’s storage and distribution needs. Our methods increase profitability and help promote our client’s vision of safety, reliability, and loss prevention.

As Investigators, we use our knowledge and experience to develop solutions for your company’s storage and distribution needs. Our methods increase profitability and help promote our client’s vision of safety, reliability, and loss prevention.

  • Storage and Distribution Solutions
  • Warehouse Inventory Control
  • Warehouse security & Risk Assessment
  • Warehouse & Distribution loss prevention services

As professional investigators, we have developed packages to serve the professional security needs of a warehouse environment. These services are designed to fit each individual client’s need.

  • Camera placements
  • 800 tip lines for your employees
  • Onsite random drug testing
  • Background checks
  • Employee Questioning and theft investigations
  • Investigations for Harassment
  • Driver follow up

Contact a logistics professional today, and let us examine your current solution. Our experts will help you find the services necessary to ensure your company continues to operate at the capacity it needs to.

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